Using backend: [simplexml] Hello there Keith Array ( [age] => 25 [gender] => male [note] => Keith "Worminator" Palmer ) Root tag name is: Tag1 QuickBooks_XML_Node Object ( [_name:protected] => NestedTag [_data:protected] => [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [age] => 25 [gender] => male [note] => Keith "Worminator" Palmer ) [_comment:protected] => [_children:protected] => Array ( [0] => QuickBooks_XML_Node Object ( [_name:protected] => AnotherTag [_data:protected] => Keith [_attributes:protected] => Array ( ) [_comment:protected] => [_children:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) ) List of animal names: Yamaguchi () Agnus () Wasabi (Wasabi & Yamaguchi are in *loooovvvveee*) Double encoded: Keith &amp; Shannon went to Kurt's store! NOT double encoded: Keith & Shannon went to Kurt's store! 792498 1575 2009-12-16 01:01:14 Paypal Reference <VTJA4D1B8414 & test 161976 1 total time: 0.009005069732666 seconds