1 1 app 2010-04-07T13:49:48.0 app 2010-04-07T14:49:24.0 1 true 1 Person Test Customer 1
00000000000000rp 56 Cowles Road Suite D Willington, CT 06279 United States Willington USA CT 06279 1 Billing
00000000000000s9 134 Stonemill Road Suite 42 Storrs, CT 06268 USA Storrs USA CT 06268 1 Shipping
00000000000000rp LandLine 860-634-1602 1 Business Mr. Keith Palmer Test Customer 1, LLC true Test Customer 1 USD 250 2010-04-07
Id is: [{QB-1}] Given Name is: [Keith] Shipping Line 1 is: [134 Stonemill Road] The first addresses Line 2 is: [Suite D] This tag just does not exist: [] This tag has a parent that exists, but a child that does not: []